The Twitter profile of one of the most interesting lawyer accounts going.
Kellyanne Conway spent last night on CNN exasperating Chris Cuomo as she gleefully dissembled about the legal anvils dropping all over the White House. Kellyanne’s husband, Wachtell’s George Conway, has some actual lawyerly analysis of the situation.
Taking to Twitter, Conway launched yet another of his quietly devastating broadsides upon the Trump administration that his wife spends her days defending against the indefensible. He is the Eeyore of modern American politics and we have a ringside seat for all of it.
It’s safe to say Conway doesn’t have the same faith in Giuliani and Sekulow that his wife’s boss does.
Conway also shared his thoughts on the mounting online feud between Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the wake of Trump’s unhinged early morning rant against Sessions.
It’s a rant that people didn’t see coming as Trump and Sessions had a cordial meeting yesterday. And yet…
The country may be riding a toboggan to hell, but George Conway’s going to keep us entertained the whole ride down.
Earlier: George Conway Throws Shade All Over Kellyanne’s Puff Piece
George Conway Makes Strong Case For Mansplaining
Lawyerly Lairs: George And Kellyanne Conway’s $8 Million Mansion
Joe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news.
Oh, You’d Better Believe George Conway Has Thoughts On All This curated from Above the Law
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