Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Benchslapped Biglaw Partner Says Judge In Mueller Case Is Big Meanie In New Filing

[T]he Court did not consider the fact that while the mainstream media has largely ignored Defendant’s pending motions, when the word “Judge” appears before a person’s name, this political adornment suggests to the public that there now is some higher level of wisdom than among the mere mortal lawyers in the case, and as such, every single mainstream media organization repeated the Court’s words as gospel. The direct consequence was swift and clear; that is, undersigned counsel have received overnight and continuing today a flow of hatred in the form of voicemail and electronic mail from self-proclaimed patriots containing threats, intimidation, and the desire that both undersigned counsel promptly die. One communication specified that the cause of death for Ms. [Katherine] Seikaly should be by fire. Apparently some of these brave self-proclaimed patriots were whipped into their frenzy by a cable television entertainer unknown to undersigned counsel named Rachel Maddow who devoted a significant portion of her variety program to the words spoken by the Court yesterday. So while counsel’s words used in advocacy can hurt, the words of a Judge can have devastating consequences.

— Reed Smith partner Eric Dubelier, in a filing submitted in the wake of being benchslapped by Judge Dabney Friedrich (D.D.C.) for his “unprofessional, inappropriate, and ineffective” filings made on behalf of his client, Concord Management and Consulting, in the Mueller investigation. Dubelier was summarily chastised by the likes of widely known MSNBC host Rachel Maddow for using profanity-laced quotes from the movie “Animal House” in the motion that made Judge Friedrich call him out.

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.

Benchslapped Biglaw Partner Says Judge In Mueller Case Is Big Meanie In New Filing curated from Above the Law

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