Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Lawyer Sued For Malpractice For Going All Racist On Camera

via YouTube

Surely you remember our old friend Aaron Schlossberg? He’s the George Washington Law alum and New York attorney who threatened to call ICE on women in a Midtown eatery for speaking Spanish because he’s an insecure jackass. After his rant went viral, he experienced a delightfully bad day, but at least he got some decent music out of it and apparently escaped any formal discipline from the state.

Schlossberg is now facing some more tangible blowback from his summer escapades. Niche Music Group LLC, a former Schlossberg client, is suing him for malpractice stemming from his racist tirade arguing that they faced loss of reputation for having been publicly associated with him when this all went down and ultimately needed to secure other counsel in their action against Sony Music Entertainment:

“In committing his public racist outbursts, Schlossberg failed to exercise the ordinarily reasonable skill and knowledge commonly possessed by a member of the legal profession,” the complaint argued.

Sadly, it’s unclear if “not being a racist tool” is still a skill commonly possessed by a member of the legal profession. When the rails are greased to put people like Thomas Farr on the federal bench, it’s hard to say Schlossberg is truly an outlier.

NY Atty Sued For Malpractice Over Racist Viral Rant [Law360]

Earlier: Jerk Videotaped Threatening To Call ICE On Two Women Speaking Spanish TO EACH OTHER — Obviously He’s A Lawyer
Aaron Schlossberg Is Having A Delightfully Bad Day
A Musical Interlude With Aaron Schlossberg

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.

Lawyer Sued For Malpractice For Going All Racist On Camera curated from Above the Law

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