Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Morning Docket: 01.08.19

* Judge Dabney Friedrich proves every stereotype about joyless judges by throwing a fit over Reed Smith’s practice of writing actually engaging briefs, prompting the firm to muse whether or not the judge is trying to get the firm’s almost certainly Putin-allied client to fire him right when we were about to learn the truth of the nude selfies. [Courthouse News Service]

* Federal judiciary trying desperately to keep the lights on one week later than initially reported. [National Law Journal]

* The big winner of Brexit? Ireland’s lawyers who firms are stockpiling in advance of Britain’s departure. [International]

* Rajat Gupta’s conviction upheld by the Second Circuit. [Very Seinfeld voice] Newman! [Law360]

* Supreme Court declines to enter the Skakel murder case because try as they might, they couldn’t find anything about the case that would result in disenfranchising poor people. [Boston Herald]

* In a total shock, sexual harassment claims went up as soon as America stopped immediately dismissing sexual harassment claims out of hand. Amazing! [Corporate Counsel]

* Roger Stone continues to wait in torturous limbo for a decision on whether or not he’ll be indicted while burning through cash on lawyers. Yeah… that’s how this process works. Welcome to white-collar crime. [ABC News]

Morning Docket: 01.08.19 curated from Above the Law

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