Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Rajat Gupta Still Guilty Of The Thing He’s Been Guilty Of For Almost 7 Years

Rajat Gupta is

not allowed to serve on any boards of directors

. And even if he could, it’s not likely there are too many publicly-traded companies eager to give Raj Rajaratnam’s former 23-second man a seat at the boardroom table. Even his oldest and closest friends

don’t want to work with him

. Long story short, the former McKinsey & Co. chief has got some free time on his hands. And he’s spending a lot of it on his chief hobby these days, which is clearing his name from that

little insider-trading conviction

that earned him the

hospitality of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons for a couple of years


He took up his new pastime around the time he moved to the federal prison camp in Ayer, Mass. In spite of nearly five years of practice, however, he’s still not very good at it.

Gupta, who was released from prison in 2016 after serving 19 months, argued that the conviction should be thrown out because U.S. prosecutors failed to prove he got a personal benefit for passing tips to his friend, billionaire hedge fund manager Raj Rajaratnam….

In the ruling on Monday, a three-judge panel rejected Gupta’s claims that he was actually innocent of the charges and disagreed that the jury was improperly instructed.

If at first (or fifth or whatever) you don’t succeed and all that. Plus, you know, life is a journey, and not a destination, even if that destination is as appealing as not being a convicted felon anymore. And since Rajat’s technically a Florida resident now, that doesn’t even mean he can’t vote anymore. Baby steps, buddy.

Rajat Gupta Fails to Have Insider-Trading Conviction Tossed [Bloomberg]

Rajat Gupta Still Guilty Of The Thing He’s Been Guilty Of For Almost 7 Years curated from Above the Law

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