Monday, February 11, 2019

Advice Columnist Tells Pre-Law Student He’s Too Moronic For Law School

Should you go to law school? If this is a question you’ve been asking yourself, there are plenty of people you can go to for help, including family and friends — but if that doesn’t work out, you can always consult with your local advice columnist. One would-be law student did just that, and was met with quite the response.

This pre-law, who went by “Prospective Law Student & Aspiring Actor” in a letter sent to Amy Dickinson, the author behind the famed Ask Amy column, laid out quite the background before asking the question du jour: “What should I do with my life?” His parents are divorced, they refuse to reconcile, and neither will allow him to move in, nor will either continue to financially support him. He’s been in and out of law school — in fact, he’s already flunked out. But come on, shouldn’t his parents financially support him until he’s back in school or have a high-paying job?

Ask Amy is not here for such idiocy, and quickly lets this prospective law student know that he in no way, shape, or form belongs in any law school, ever (emphasis added):

No, your parents should not provide you with a comfortable living while you get your act together. You’re on your own now. And this is what it feels like to be on our own (hint: often, it feels vexingly uncomfortable).

Law school might not be for you. For one thing, your own judgment and critical-thinking skills seem so faulty that you just don’t seem cut out for a career in the law (although your gas-lighting skills would probably acquit you nicely).

Acting, however, will allow you to inhabit fantasy and express your creativity. Acting is deep and hard work, however — and opportunities don’t present themselves unless and until you are ready to recognize and accept them.

It’s time for you to experience the terror and joy of making your own way in the world.

We have a feeling this prospective law student will go ahead and send out applications anyway. Luckily, there are still a slew of schools that would be willing to accept him. Best of luck to him as he tempts fate after having already failed out of law school.

Ask Amy: Law student flunked out and wants to know why his parents won’t give him money or a place to stay
[Ask Amy / Oregonian]

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.

Advice Columnist Tells Pre-Law Student He’s Too Moronic For Law School curated from Above the Law

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