Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Morning Docket: 02.12.19

Neomi Rao (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

* When trying to credibly disavow past comments making light of sexual assault victims, try to do it sometime before your entire career hinges on pantomiming remorse. [National Law Journal]

* Steptoe the latest firm to unveil a new strategy to promote diversity. [American Lawyer]

* In the latest ABC News “The Investigation” podcast, John Dowd describes the Mueller investigation that’s tripped up 30+ actual and alleged wrongdoers “a terrible waste of time.” [The Investigation]

* EU has logged 59,000 data breaches since GDPR came online. So that’s working out great. [Corporate Counsel]

* Pierce Bainbridge continues its hiring spree, nabbing an IP litigation star from McKool. [The Recorder]

* Soccer officials appeal red cards to Second Circuit. [Law360]

* Trump commissions Cyberdyne Systems. [Courthouse News Service]

Morning Docket: 02.12.19 curated from Above the Law

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