Thursday, February 14, 2019

Morning Docket: 02.14.19

Paul Manafort (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)

* Paul Manafort is the Energizer Bunny of lying and he’d now botched his own plea deal. [Huffington Post]

* Apple attorney in charge of insider trading compliance charged with… insider trading. [Law360]

* John Roberts declared himself the First Amendment’s most passionate defender at the Supreme Court, which is absolutely true if you limit the First Amendment to political bribery and bigots with cake shops. [National Law Journal]

* EU adopts new copyright law! It’s… not good. [EFF]

* The Harvard admissions case — the Trojan horse action about gutting affirmative action programs — is now in the hands of Judge Allison Burroughs for the perfunctory first act on the road to a 5-4 Supreme Court opinion. []

* Proskauer inches toward the $1B revenue mark. [American Lawyer]

* A review of Biglaw cafeterias in the UK. If any firms out there want Above the Law to duplicate this story here in America, feel free to give us a call. [Legal Cheek]


Morning Docket: 02.14.19 curated from Above the Law

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