Thursday, February 14, 2019

News Scan

Senate Confirms William Barr for AG:  The nomination of William Barr, a former Attorney General under President George H.W. Bush, was confirmed by the U.S. Senate to head President Trump's Justice Department today.  Alex Pappas and Brooke Singman of Fox News report that three democrats joined republicans to confirm Barr by a 54-45 vote.  Senator Rand Paul voted against confirmation.  Barr, 68, who was a member of President Regan's policy staff, also worked for the CIA and the Justice Department before his appointment to Attorney General by President Bush.  Unlike former AG Jeff sessions, Bar will not be learning on-the-job about the levels of authority at Justice and where to place key people to carry out his policies.  Nor will he need to recuse himself from oversight of the Special Counsel's two-year investigation of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.  

News Scan curated from Crime and Consequences Blog

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