Thursday, February 14, 2019

Obstructing Justice

There has been much talk out of Washington about obstruction of justice over the past two years but very little of substance has been discovered.  Perhaps those talking are focused on the wrong target.  If you want to see real obstruction of justice, just take a look at California where for the past 13 years, the Governor and the Attorney General have colluded to prevent enforcement of the death penalty, although voters have repeatedly expressed support for carrying it out.  Michele Hanisee, President of the LA Deputy District Attorneys Association  has this piece which spells out how elected officials who, as candidates, promised the public that they would enforce the death penalty and then, once elected, used their authority to make sure the law is not enforced.  While Ms. Hanisee aims most of her arrows at the state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) and California's Attorney General, CDCR is an Executive Branch agency that does nothing without the Governor's approval.    

Obstructing Justice curated from Crime and Consequences Blog

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