Thursday, February 14, 2019

What Would Legal Sweethearts Candy Say?

The tyranny of those stupid, chalky Sweethearts candies is no more — at least for this year. Who knew making a terrible candy that people only buy once a year wasn’t a winning business model? Unfortunately, the candies are projected to return next year.

But in their absence, the ABA Journal is asking readers to submit their suggestions for what Sweethearts might say if they were specifically tailored to attorneys. I guess it gives new meaning to “Check Out Our Tender Offer.”

Anyway, feel free to join their discussion over social media and maybe you’ll get a mention from the Journal. I don’t think anyone else has offered “Let’s create some heirs of my body” yet.

This wouldn’t fit on a candy, would it? “I like my first dates like I like my rule 403: probative but not unduly prejudicial.” That’s a shame.

If lawyers made candy hearts, what would yours say? [ABA Journal]

What Would Legal Sweethearts Candy Say? curated from Above the Law

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