Friday, January 4, 2019

Government Shutdown Really Messing Stuff Up If You Need To Be Admitted To The D.C. Bar

Listen, in the grand scheme of the ways in which the government shutdown is utterly screwing the pooch, this isn’t on the very top of the list. It isn’t government workers struggling to afford essentials because they haven’t been paid in almost two weeks and the president is more concerned about how negotiating will reflect on his self-styled image as an enforcer than with actually governing the American people. And it isn’t the tons of trash and human waste that are piling up in the National Parks despite staff being furloughed, but it still really sucks if you have to deal with it.

As multiple tipsters have pointed out to Above the Law, one of the government services that has been put on hold as Donald Trump has a temper tantrum over a wall that’s really a proxy for his dick is the D.C. Bar’s Committee on Admissions. That’s a pain in the ass if you were waiting on certification or hoping to sign up for the January 25th swearing in date they’d set on the calendar. For some folks, officially getting sworn in is merely a formality and they’re able to continue working at the same job regardless of the date when they’re eventually sworn in. But for others, it’s a matter of money, as one tipster points out:

It seems D.C. is one of the only jurisdictions that it may take over 6 months to become a licensed attorney. This is critical for law students who must have accreditation to apply for a job or earn a higher salary (especially for those who must begin paying back loans).

Best of luck to those playing the waiting game with their careers.

headshotKathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, and host of The Jabot podcast. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).

Government Shutdown Really Messing Stuff Up If You Need To Be Admitted To The D.C. Bar curated from Above the Law

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