Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Want To Regain Control Over Your In-House Workload? Xakia Is Here To Help [Sponsored]

Running an in-house legal department can feel like a constant juggling act. Keeping track of who is doing what, when, and why is a monumental yet crucial task that can leave GCs and department heads struggling to keep up. The key to running a successful department is having visibility over your workloads and access to legal data analytics so you can make informed decisions. Can you answer the who, what, why, and when of your ongoing matters? If not, you’re not alone.

Meet Xakia. Designed specifically with in-house legal departments in mind, Xakia offers the most sophisticated legal data analytics on the market for in-house matter management. With Xakia’s cutting-edge platform, you’ll have the data and visibility you need to make informed decisions in all areas of your business.

Running a legal department shouldn’t feel overwhelming. With Xakia, it no longer has to.

The Importance of Data

By nature and training, lawyers communicate in words. Unfortunately, the rest of the business world doesn’t. Charts, graphs, and data are the language of business and the C-suite. If you’re an in-house lawyer who has to communicate with the rest of your company or regularly present to the board, you need to speak their language. But there’s no reason to fear — with Xakia on your side, data doesn’t have to be scary.

Xakia does the hard work for you, automating your data and putting it in a useful format with a single click. With the proper data in a useable form, you’ll be able to better understand the composition of your team, their skill sets, and how much work they have, in order to assign work more efficiently. You’ll also be in a better position to present that information in a format that makes sense to the rest of your company. Essentially, Xakia bridges the language gap between lawyers and the rest of the business.

How It Works

Xakia is your go-to tool for all aspects of matter management. From matter intake all the way through to matter conclusion, Xakia’s user-friendly platform will manage your workloads. Whether you’re managing tasks and status updates or running reports and consulting dashboards for snapshots of where your work stands, Xakia is the tool you need to stay on top of your cost, capability, and capacity, and be able to demonstrate the value of your legal team to the rest of the business. 

Quick and Easy Intake

Initiating a matter with Xakia takes as little as 30 seconds. That’s if you do it manually. There’s also a handy intake tool that makes things even easier. Regardless of the kind of matter you’re managing or how many moving pieces it involves, Xakia can handle it.

Opening a matter shouldn’t be an administrative headache. Turning your workloads over to Xakia doesn’t add an administrative burden to your day, but exactly the opposite — the system will save you valuable administrative time and let you focus on your actual work. Once you’re up and running, you can manage your workloads at the individual lawyer level, so every person in your department can always see exactly what’s on their plate, what it’s for, and when it’s due. Xakia is about creating control and visibility over workloads — two things that have been woefully lacking in the in-house world. 

Legal Department Intelligence

When legal industry commentators talk about legal data analytics, they tend to focus only on spend analytics. While budget issues are certainly important, there’s so much more that goes into running a legal department. Xakia’s legal department intelligence focuses on all aspects of your team’s work — the who, what, when, and why of your work.

Analytics can be as broad or as narrow as you want them to be, but the bottom line is knowing who’s doing your work, what sort of work they’re doing, and whether it has strategic value. Legal department intelligence is about looking at all the work being done by your legal team and using that data to make informed decisions. Xakia offers the most sophisticated tool on the market to make that possible, with a matter management system that tracks all the work of your team. Legal department intelligence provides the answers to the who, what, when, and why of your workload.

Visibility and Reporting

Two of the largest pain points that in-house counsel struggle with again and again are having the ability to track work and report it in a useful manner. Xakia alleviates both. With the Xakia platform, you can always see the who, what, when, and why, no matter how many things your department is trying to juggle at the same time. Having a system that automatically tracks everything gives you the visibility you need to stay ahead of the curve and understand the bigger picture.

When it comes to reporting, Xakia offers a vastly superior option to the inefficient Excel spreadsheets that many departments tend to rely on. Xakia’s automated processes allow you to produce sophisticated, customized reports that present your work in a way that’s actually useful. The advanced level of legal data analytics gives you all the information you need to make informed decisions at the click of a button.

The Takeaway

The beauty of Xakia is that, not only do you get the most sophisticated legal department intelligence on the market, it also comes in a product that’s incredibly easy to adopt and use. Whether your department is two or 2000 people, Xakia can be adapted to meet your needs and keep your workloads under control. Initiating a matter takes 30 seconds, and comprehensive reports are available with a single click. It’s hard to think of a simpler way to conquer the complex problem of keeping on top of your workload.

Running an in-house legal department doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Xakia lets you take back the reins and stay on top of the crucial who, what, when, and why. If you want to be in control again, you want Xakia.

Want To Regain Control Over Your In-House Workload? Xakia Is Here To Help [Sponsored] curated from Above the Law

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